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This Book —Life’s Intended Purpose

The purpose of this book is to share with you the truth of the Kingdom of God, the existence of the Conscious Presence within you. I will show you that the gate to Heaven, to Eternity, awaits you right at this very moment. In fact, you don’t have to leave earth to experience it as you might have once thought. Through my experiences of Being Present with God and His wisdom and teachings, I have come to understand that the Bible is full of esoteric meaning; a deeper, hidden understanding that requires insight; the literal understanding of the words is just the first layer. God’s Presence within you was never intended to be a mystery, and Eternal life is to be experienced now, in this Present moment of life’s only reality. Your life’s intended purpose was predestined before you were ever born. It has always existed deep within you, ready to be revealed; you just have to come into an awareness of it.

This is a book of wisdom and a practical guide to awaken your mind to your true identity, your inspired purpose and life’s calling through the renewing of your mind, an inner transformation. I would like to offer you an opportunity to experience this same Spiritual awakening that I have experienced; an enlightenment of your mind that allows you to find your true self. I would like to show you the gate that unlocks your imprisoned mind to a pathway of self-discovery and transformation: a revelation so profound, the human mind cannot rationalize it; a Spiritual awakening within you that takes you from this world into the reality of another.


ISBN 13 (SOFT): 9781982213534

ISBN 13 (HARD): 9781982213527

ISBN 13 (eBook): 9781982213541